NK1626.6.D5 B2e
Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen Ethnographica i het museum van het ... 1910. |
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NK1650 .E32
Relicarios : devotional miniatures from the Americas / |
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NK1650 .S35s
Salzburgs alte Schatzkammer. |
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NK1650 .T53 1999
Thesaurus des objets religieux : meubles, objets, linges, vêtements et instruments de musique du culte catholique romain = Thesaurus of religious objects : furniture, objects, linen, clothing and musical instruments of the Roman catholic faith = Thesaurus del corredo ecclesiastico : arredi, oggetti, lini, paramenti e instrumenti musicali della chiesa cattolica romana / |
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NK1650 .W4 1927
Das kirchliche kunstgewerbe der neuzeit, |
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NK1652 .F73d
The decorative arts of the Christian Church / |
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NK1652.1 .S82m
Monuments of Romanesque art : the art of church treasures in north-western Europe. |
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NK1652.2 .E53m
Der Münster, Schatz von Essen / |
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NK1652.2.H2 B8e
Eucharistic vessels of the Middle Ages. |
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NK1652.2 .L28a
Ars sacra, 800-1200. |
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NK1652.2 .T73 2010
Treasures of heaven : saints, relics, and devotion in medieval Europe / |
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NK1652.3 .P73 2017
Prayer nuts, private devotion, and early modern art collecting / |
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NK1653 .B6 M87
Museu do Oratório : coleção Angela Gutierrez / |
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NK1653 .B7 T47 2004
O tesouro dos abades : a arte devota do Mosteiro de São Bento de Olinda / |
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NK1653.G37 P67b
Die barocke Kunsttätigkeit des Klosters Kaisheim : Schreiner und Bildhauer des 18. Jahrhunderts / |
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NK1653.G4 J33
800 Jahre Deutscher Orden : Ausstellung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums Nürnberg in Zusammenarbeit mit der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens. |
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NK1653.H8 B8t
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NK1653.I8 A72
Arazzi rubensiani e tessuti preziosi dei Musei diocesani di Ancona e Osimo. |
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NK1653 .M6 C37 1993
The art of featherwork in Mexico / |
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NK1653 .M6 S47 2004
El retablo barroco en Guanajuato : interpretación y catálogo / |
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