Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK6608 .C74h The history of the tournament in England and in France. 1
NK6608 .C87g The golden age of armor. 1
NK6608 .D76m Medieval costume, armour and weapons (1350-1450); 1
NK6608 .G53w Wapenhandelinghe van roers, mvsqvetten ende spiessen. Achtervolgende de ordre van Sÿn Excellentie Maurits, Prince van Orangie, Graue van Nassau, etc., Gouverneur ende Capiteÿn Generael ouer Gelderlant, Hollant, Zeelant, Vtrecht, Overÿessel, etc. 1
NK6608 .G74n Vaaben.
"Den gamle by"s billedbog.
Norske hjelmer fra folkevandringstiden : Bergens Museums Aarbok 1922-23.
NK6608 .H37 L 1443 Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (Code de Gotha) de l'an 1443 contenant les duels judiciaires et autres / 1
NK6608 .H37 .L 1459 Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (Code d'Ambras) de l'an 1459 contenant les duels judiciaires et autres ... / 1
NK6608 .H37 L 1467 Livre d'escrime de Talhoffer (code de Gotha) de l'an 1467, représentant les combats singuliers et judiciaires / 1
NK6608 .J23c Recherches historiques sur les croisades et les templiers, l'origine de la noblesse et de l'ancienne chevalerie : les cours d'amour; les tournois; les duels ou combats judiciaires; les tribunaux secrets; suivies de la description de l'ancien musée ou dépôt central de l'artillerie de France à Paris / 1
NK6608 .K37m The medieval armour from Rhodes / 1
NK6608 .K73r Ringreiten, Rolandspiel und Kufenstechen. Sportliches Reiterbrauchtum von heute als Erbe aus abendländischer Kulturgeschichte / 1
NK6608 .K83 2011 Wczesnośredniowieczne toporki miniaturowe / 1
NK6608 .K87 Livre de tournois : Vat. Ross. 711 de la Bibliotheque apostolique vaticane / 1
NK6608 .K87t Turnierbuch aus der Kraichgauer Ritterschaft : um 1615 : Cod. Ross. 711. 1
NK6608 .L69h History of chivalry and ancient armour with descriptions of the feudal system, the usages of knighthood, the tournament, and trials by single combat. 1
NK6608 .M26t Manuscript on the tournament with coats of arms. 1
NK6608 .M28d The pistols of Brescia /
The last of Sir Henry Lee : champion to Queen Elizabeth and master of the armoury.
Some swords in the R.L. Scott collection.
The secrette and some helmets of civilian form.
Preservation versus restoration.
American silver-hilted swords.
The art of the swordsmith.
An unrecorded Greenwich armour.
The rifle that won the revolution.
Medieval wainscoting and the development of the linen panel.
A dining room tournament.
Further notes on London and Hounslow swordsmiths.
Two XVIIth century miniature armours.
NK6608 .M38c 1842 A critical inquiry into ancient armour : as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain from the Norman conquest to the reign of King Charles II : illustrated by a series of illuminated engravings with a glossary of military terms of the Middle Ages / 1
NK6608 .M86h Miniaturen aus Handschriften der Kgl. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in München. 1
NK6608 .N48m A crusader's fortress in Palestine; a report of explorations made by the Museum, 1926. 1