Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
NK6698.S67 S8 | Set of 88 photographs made from the album of pen and wash drawings of some 45 armors etched by Sorg between 1546 and 1563. | 1 |
NK6698.V37 B67 | La Manufacture d'armes de Versailles : Boutet, directeur-artiste / | 1 |
NK6698 .W55 T47 2011 | Princely armor in the age of Dürer : a Renaissance masterpiece in the Philadelphia Museum of Art / | 1 |
NK6699 .B87ar |
L'armure et le chanfrein de Philippe II. The bow as a missile weapon : a study of power, range and rapidity of fire / "Too good to be true"; a famous "Gothic armour" at New York, Japanese swords / |
4 |
NK6699.C42 G72 | The illustrated inventory of the arms and armor of Emperor Charles V / | 1 |
NK6699 .F36 | Faganarms, Inc. : antique arms, armor, and related items. | 1 |
NK6699 .G74s | A suit of armour for youth. | 1 |
NK6699 .H23s | Der Sächsischen Kurfürsten Turnierbücher / | 1 |
NK6699.H3 B52 | The Emperor Maximilian's gift of armour to King Henry VIII and the silvered and engraved armour at the tower of London / | 1 |
NK6699.H3 W45 | A technical note on some of the armour of King Henry VIII and his contemporaries / | 1 |
NK6699 .K63o | Ombrassische Helden-Rüst-Kammer : welche von Ferdinanden, Ertzhertzogen zu Oesterreich, herrlich angerichtet / | 1 |
NK6699 .M75 | Catalog. | 1 |
NK6699 .N43ah | "A harnes all gilte" : a study of the armor of Galiot de Genouilhac and the icongoraphy of its decoration. | 1 |
NK6699 .P48 | In armis ars / | 1 |
NK6699 .P73i |
Notes sur les Costumes Chevaleresques et les Armes offensives des XII, XIII et XIVe siècles. Une épeé carlovingienne. Le tounroi de 1905. In tonnelet d'une armure allemande ... L'arrèt de cuirasse. L'inventaire de l'armurerie de Guillaume III, comte de Hainut en 1358. |
6 |
NK6699 .R34o |
A procession of Queen Elizabeth to Blackfriars. Trabantenhelmbarten König Ferdinands und Erzherzog Karls von Steiermark. Schwerter und Degen / Der Schweizerdegen / Ottheinrichs Harnische. The Chesterfield armour in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The Bourchier shield in Halstead Chuech. Some hafted weapons of the middle ages. Eine seltene Handfeuerwaffe. Oesterreichische Waffenschmiedkunst zwischen Spätgotik und Spätbarock. Un elmo del Rinascimento nell'Armeiia di Capodimonte. Tiroler Errinerungsstücke an die Schlacht bei Sempach. |
12 |
NK6699 .S34a 1601 | Augustissimorum imperatorum, serenissimorum regum, atque archiducum, illustrissimorum principum, necnon comitum, baronum, nobilium, aliorumq[ue] clarissimorum virorum, qui aut ipsi cum imperio bellorum duces fuerunt, aut in iisdem præfecturis insignioribus laudabiliter functi sunt, verissimæ imagines, & rerum ab ipsis domi, forisq[ue] gestarum succinctæ descriptiones. Quorum arma, aut integra, aut horum partes, quibus induti, vsique aduersus hostem heroica facinora patrarunt, aut quorum auspiciis tàm prospera quàm aduersa fortuna res magnæ gestæ sunt, à serenissimo principe Ferdinando, archiduce Austriæ, duce Burgundiæ, comte Habspurgi & Tyrolis &c. ex omnibus ferè orbis terrarum prouinciis partim conquista, partim ab illorum hæredibus & successoribus transmissa, in celebri Ambrosianæ arcis armamentario, à sua serenitate non procul ciutate Oenipontana extructo, conspiciuntur. | 1 |
NK6699 .T46ha | Die Harnische Maximilians II von 1550. | 1 |
NK6699 .T46m | Die münchner Harnischvorzeichnungen mit Rankendekor des Étienne Delaune / | 1 |
NK6699 .T46mu | D. Münchner Waffenvorzeichnungen d. Etienne Delaune u. d. Prunkschilde Heinrichs II v. Frankreich. | 1 |