NK7215 .C78 1992
Platería en la época de los Reyes Católicos / |
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NK7215 .E57g
Great chalice of Antioch. |
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NK7215 .E59 2006
Erwerbungen zur Kunst des Mittelalters : Ziborium aus Kloster Tennenbach, zwei Nürnberger Bildteppiche / |
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NK7215 .E644 1997
Platería del Perú virreinal, 1535-1825 / |
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NK7215 .G83d
The sacral treasure of the Guelphs / |
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NK7215 .G83dg
Der Welfenschatz : Zeugnis sakraler Kunst des Deutschen Mittelalters / |
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NK7215 .G83m
Der Mainzer Domschatz. |
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NK7215 .H87 2001
The treasury of Basel Cathedral / |
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NK7215 .J65c
The church plate of the diocese of Bangor / |
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NK7215 .J65o
The old church plate of the isle of Man / |
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NK7215 .J66o
The old silver of American churches / |
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NK7215 .L27s
Sodronyzománcos ötvösművek / |
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NK7215.L6 C42
Catalogue of chalices & other communion vessels, |
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NK7215 .M36c
Modern church plate. [Exhibition] 20th March to 11th April 1965. |
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NK7215 .M45o
L'Origine dello amalto filogranato. |
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NK7215 .M86b
Der Schatz vom Heiligen Berg Andechs. |
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NK7215 .O52e
English church plate, 597-1830. |
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NK7215 .P57 1984
Plateria hispanoamericana, siglos XVI-XIX : exposición Diocesana Badajocense : preparatoria a los actos conmemorativos del V Centenario del Descubrimiento de Amʹerica, Sala Capitular de la S.l. Catedral de Badajoz, Badajoz, 8 al 15 de junio de 1984. |
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NK7215 .P67s
The silver of St. Philip's Church, Charles Town, Charleston, 1670-1970, |
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NK7215 .R53v
Church silver of Colonial Virginia : an exhibition organized by the Virginia Museum, February 2-March 8, 1970 ; [catalogue / |
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