Call Number (LC) Title Results
PAPA06-B1753 Colonial furniture; including signed pieces by Philadelphia cabinetmakers. 1
PAPA06-B1861 The glass gaffers of New Jersey, and their creations from 1739 to the present. 1
PAPA06-B1952 Exhibition of Philadelphia silver, 1682-1800, April 14 to May 27, 1956. 1
PAPA 06-P1860 The Barry Hayes collection of historical relics. 1
Paper Conservation Dry methods for surface cleaning paper /
The restoration of engravings, drawings, books, and other works on paper /
Restauro e conservazione della opere d'arte su carta /
Paper preservation : current issues and recent developments /
Retouching of art on paper /
A guide to the collecting and care of original prints /
The history of teaching in conservation in the United States /
Historical perspectives in the conservation of works of art on paper /
Curatorial care of works of art on paper /
The digital print : identification and preservation /
La Restauration et préservation des papier peints /
The broad spectrum : studies in the materials, techniques, and conservation of color on paper /
Exposure of deacidified paper to ambient levels of SO₂ and NO₂ /
The Barrow method of restoring deteriorated documents /
Watercolours : a transcript of some of the papers presented at the meeting on Friday 31st May 1985.
Paper and water : a guide for conservators /
Proposal for a repository for the materials of book and paper conservation /
Students' sample book containing samples of paper and boards /
Preparation of solutions of magnesium bicarbonate for deacidification of documents /
Paper Science Bibliographic series / 1
Papermaking & Paper History Pulp and paper : chemistry and chemical technology /
Specialty papers, their properties and applications,
Essentials of pulping and papermaking /
Filigranes des XIIIe et XIVe ss.
Etude sur les filigranes des papiers employés en France aux XIVe et XVe siècles /
Pulp and paper manufacture.
Paper & paper making ancient and modern /
The elder James Whatman : England's greatest paper maker (1702-1759) : a study of eighteenth century papermaking technology and its effect on a critical phase in the history of English white paper manufacture /
Dictionary and encyclopa͡edia of paper and paper-making : with equivalents of the technical terms in French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish & Swedish /
Modern pulp and paper making : a practical treatise /
Papermaking, art and craft : an account derived from the exhibition presented in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., and opened on April 21, 1968.
Wallpapers for historic buildings : a guide to selecting reproduction wallpapers /
The art of paper : from the holy land to the americas /
Adhesives and consolidants : preprints of the contributions to the Paris Congress, 2-8 September 1984 /
A history of paper : its genesis and its revelations, origin and manufacture, utility and commercial value of an indispensable staple of the commercial world.
Papermaking and the art of watercolor in eighteenth-century Britain : Paul Sandby and the Whatman Paper Mill /
The art and craft of handmade paper /
Washi, the world of Japanese paper /
Paper--art & technology /
Machines à papier : innovation et transformations de l'industrie papetière en France : 1798-1860 /
A history of paper-manufacturing in the United States, 1690-1916.
Handmade paper today : a worldwide survey of mills, papers, techniques and uses /
The bleaching of pulp : prepared under the direction of the TAPPI Pulp Purification Committee. /
Modern paper-making /
The dyeing of paper,
Paper before print : the history and impact of paper in the Islamic world /
Papermaking fibers; a photo-micrographic atlas of woody, non-woody, and man-made fibers used in papermaking,
The Whatmans and wove paper : its invention and development in the West ; research into the origins of wove paper and of genuine loom-woven wire-cloth /
Papermaking : The history and technique of an ancient craft.
Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier dès leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu'en 1600.
Chemical and physical properties of poly(vinyl acetate) copolymer emulsions /
Understanding illuminated manuscripts : a guide to technical terms /
parker The perfect fake / 1
PARTICULARS 1983 Particulars : selections from the Miller-Plummer collection of photography / 1
payne Caravaggio; a novel 1
PB1096 .R64 Myths & legends of the Celtic race / 1
PC1075 .L554 La lingua nella storia d'Italia / 1
PC1103 .B47 1592 Locutioni di varii autori : antichi è moderni tratte dalli dittionarij vltimi, del Venuit, del Calderino, dal Thesoro del Galesino, dall' Eleganze del Cardinale Adriano, d'Aldo Mantio e del Cafaro : ridotte hora insieme & messe periodine per maggior commodità di chi desidera seruirsene in ogni occasione di studio / 1
PC1640 .C33 1967 Cassell's Italian dictionary : Italian-English, English-Italian / 1
PC1645 .L3 M37 1714 Reggia oratoria : in cui sono tutti i verbi italiani, ed altri molti vocaboli dell'ultima Crusca, con tutti i loro diversi significati : a questi posti per alfabeto perfetto, corrisponde il suo latino con varie frasi, e modi diversi di dire, cavati dal Tesoro della lingua latina dal Calepino, dall'Onomastico romano, e dal Dizionario reale del padre Pomei : onde contiene tutto il pomarium Latinitatis, il meglio dell'Eleganze d'Aldo Manuzio e del Flos Latinitatis / 1
PC2112 .G743 1969 Précis de grammaire française / 1
PC2129 .I8 N4 1700 Dialogues et historiettes diverses concernants des bons mots d'academiciens françois, des discours factieux & plaisans. 1
PC2519 .L29 1624 Le grand dictionaire des rimes françoises, selon l'ordre alphabetiqve : diligemment reueu, corrigé, & de nouueau augmenté de la moitié ... En ovltre trois traictez : I. Des coniugaisons françoises. II. De l'orthographe françoise. III. Les epithetes tirés des oeuures de Guillaume de Salluste sr. du Bartas. 1
PC3402 .M5 S43 1896 Les secrets des bestes, 1
PC4117 .V54f 1927 Fermín, libro de lectura mexicano. 1