Search Results - Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan

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  1. 1

    The public and the private in the age of Vermeer by Wheelock, Arthur K.

    Imprint 2000
    “…Osaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
    Contributor biographical information
    Publisher description
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    Abe korekushon Chūgoku kaiga mokuroku.

    Imprint 1954
    “…Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
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    Sakai collection : exhibition of outstanding Ukiyo-E

    “…Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
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    Chūgoku no sekibutsu : sōgonnaru inori = Chinese Buddhist stone sculpture : veneration of the sublime.
    中国の石仏 : 荘厳なる祈り = Chinese Buddhist stone sculpture : veneration of the sublime.

    Imprint 1995
    “…Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
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    Yamatoe no kiseki : chū, kinsei no bi no sekai
    やまと絵の軌跡 : 中・近世の美の世界 /

    Imprint 1994
    “…Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
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    Tokubetsu ten "Kōetsu no sho" : Keichō, Genwa, Kanʾei no meihitsu
    特别展「光悦」の書 : 慶長・元和・寬永の名筆 /
    by Honʾami, Kōetsu, 1558-1637

    Imprint 1990
    “…Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
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    Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku Shiruku Rōdo bunbutsu ten = The exhibition of ancient art treasures of The People's Republic of China : archaeological finds of the Han to T'ang dynasty unea...
    中華人民共和国シルクロード文物展 = The exhibition of ancient art treasures of The People's Republic of China : archaeological finds of the Han to T'ang dynasty unearthed at sites along the Silk Road. Tokyo Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, Mar. 20-May 13, 1979 ; Osaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan, May 19-July 8, 1979.

    Imprint 1979
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    Kyōto Eikandō Zenrinji no meihō = Art treasures of Eikando Zenrin-ji
    京都永観堂禅林寺の名宝 = Art treasures of Eikando Zenrin-ji /

    Imprint 1996
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    Kokuhō Miidera-ten : Chishō Daishi kichō 1150-nen tokubetsuten
    国宝三井寺展 : 智証大師帰朝1150年特別展 /

    Imprint 2008
    “…Ōsaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan…”
    Japanese record available for display
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    Dai 70-kai kinen Kokuten : bijutsu no haru = Kokugakai exhibition in commemoration of 70th anniversary
    第 70回記念国展 : 美術の春 = Kokugakai exhibition in commemoration of 70th anniversary /

    Imprint 1996
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    Seiki no saiten bankoku hakurankai no bijutsu : Pari, Uīn, Shikago banpaku ni miru tōzai no meihin : 2005-nen Nihon Kokusai Hakurankai kaisai kinenten / [henshū Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hak...
    世紀 の 祭典 万国 博覧会 の 美術 : パリ・ウィーン・シカゴ 万博 に 見る 東西 の 名品 : 2005年 日本 国際 博覧会 開催 記念展 / [編集 東京 国立 博物館 ... [et al.]] = Arts of East and West from world expositions : 1855-1900: Paris, Vienna and Chicago : commemorating The 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan / [edited by Tokyo National Museum ... [et al.]].

    Imprint 2004
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    Tenjinsama no bijutsu : Sugawara no Michizane botsugo senhyaku-nen = Tenjin - art related to Sugawarano Michizane
    天神さまの美術 : 菅原道真沒後千百年 = Tenjin - art related to Sugawara no Michizane /

    Imprint 2001
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    Shiruku Rōdo no ihō : kodai chūsei no tōzai bunka kōryū
    シルクロードの遺宝 : 古代・中世の東西文化交流 /

    Imprint 1985
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    Furansu kaiga no seika : Rune Yuigu no manazashi : daiyōshiki no keisei to hen'yō
    フランス絵画の精華 : ルネ・ユイグのまなざし : 大様式の形成と変容 /

    Imprint 2019
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    Bijutsu Bunka Kyōkai dai 37-kai ten gashū = The 37th exhibition of the art culture.
    美術文化協画会第37回展画集 = The 37th exhibition of the art culture.

    Imprint 1977
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    Far Eastern antiquities from the Kuboso collection = Kubosō korekushon Tōyō kobijutsu ten.

    Imprint 1982
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    Toruko Topukapu Kyūden hihō ten : Osumanchō no eikō
    トルコ・トプカプ宮殿秘宝展 : オスマン朝の栄光 /

    Imprint 1988