Richard Benson : the world is smarter than you are /

"This book presents the first in-depth survey of photographs by Richard Benson (1943-2017), who approached photography as a thrilling set of technical challenges and used the medium to craft profound depictions of people, the spaces of their lives and work, and the products of their labor. An e...

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Egile nagusia: Barberie, Peter, 1970- (Egilea)
Beste egile batzuk: Lê, An-My, 1960-, Benson, Richard, 1943-2017
Argitaratua: Philadelphia, PA, USA : New Haven : Philadelphia Museum of Art ; In association with Yale University Press, [2021]
Formatua: Liburua
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Richard Benson: the world is smarter than you are.

Argitaratua 2021
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Baliabide elektronikoa Liburua